Medical Solutions

medical Solutions

Advanced Healthcare Management Solutions

Improving Healthcare Management
Improving Medical Workflow
Enhancing Patient Experience

medical solution


iQ-SYSTEM PACS is an easily configurable, highly scalable picture archiving and communication system. It is installed in more than 10,000 facilities ranging from small, individual, imaging centers to large multi-modality, multi-site hospital installations across 118 countries. It is full-featured, state-of-the-art, robust and reliable, and available in most major world languages. The system is highly customizable with technical support provided in local languages by manufacturer-trained engineers.

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medical solution


iQemo is a fully managed web-based electronic chemotherapy management platform. Featuring a modern and intuitive user interface, it ensures secure access from any location, providing real-time clinical information on any device with a web browser. iQemo simplifies the prescription of complex treatments through its user-friendly interface, allowing healthcare professionals to devote more time to patient care and less on administrative tasks like prescription writing. rewrite for our website